
Aaron / Raleigh, NC high school senior photographer

I love the photography adventures that occur during my sessions, especially those with high school seniors. The diversity of Aaron’s session included urban, indoor and natural venues. Aaron has been playing hockey for 12 years, so I couldn’t wait to incorporate that into his session. I am very grateful to the exceptionally kind staff at the Raleigh Ice Plex for allowing us to photograph at their rink. It was meaningful to Aaron’s session, too, as he used to play there when he was younger. Photographing on an ice rink was a first for me…and I did so on skates no less so that I would have more mobility to capture different angles. That was a sight to see! I can’t thank Aaron enough for his multiple attempts to get the ice spray portrait just right! I of course couldn’t resist a few pictures with his wonderful mom, Stephanie, at the end of his outdoor session, too. One of her favorite portraits from the session is the black and white profile of Aaron wearing her dad’s watch. I am so glad we were able to capture that sentimental image!




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